Position | Referenznr. | Bewerbungsschluss |
Es liegen derzeit keine Stellenangebote vor. |
Position | Referenznr. | Bewerbungsschluss |
Es liegen derzeit keine Stellenangebote vor. |
Would you like to apply for a job? Please send us your application with
by e-mail to sekretariat@ub.tum.de [1] or by mail to
Technische Universität München
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
Please note the respective application deadlines.
You will then receive confirmation of receipt by e-mail. After the application deadline, we will invite you to an interview, where you will meet the University Librarian, a member of personnel management team, heads of departments, and, if required, a representative for employees with disabilities.
Following the interview, the participants will discuss and give you feedback as soon as possible. Where the application is successful, a recruitment proposal will be submitted to the TUM personnel management team and to the Staff Council. Following their approval your employment contract will be sent to you by post.
Do you have any questions about the application process? We will be happy to answer your queries by e-mail at sekretariat@ub.tum.de [1] or by telephone at +49 89 289 28601.
We look forward to getting to know you!