External Users and TUM Alumni
If you are not an active member of TUM, you can apply for a library card free of charge at one of our branch libraries. Please bring the following documents with you:
Visit one of our branch libraries and fill out a registration form. Please bring the following documents: Login for External Library Users: Visit one of our branch libraries and fill out a registration form. Please bring the following documents: Login for External Library Users: For registration you need to provide the signature of a parent or legal guardian on the registration form. Please follow these steps: Additionally, please bring the following documents: Login for External Library Users: Even after leaving TUM, you can continue to use the library. Simply have your library account converted at one of our branch libraries. You will then receive a library card and a library number. Please bring the following documents: Login for TUM Alumni:Students from Other Universities
Library number + password
(11-digit number on the back of the library card)Private Individuals
Library number + password
(11-digit number on the back of the library card)Individuals Under Age 18
Library number + password
(11-digit number on the back of the library card)TUM Alumni
Library number + password
(11-digit number on the back of the library card)
Active TUM Members
If you study, work, or have guest status at TUM, you do not need to apply for a library card. A library account is automatically created for you, and you can use your TUM StudentCard, PersonalCard, or GuestCard in the library. Please note the following login details:
As a TUM student, you are automatically registered to use the library. You can log into the OPAC [2] with your TUM ID to order library items, check your library account, and access online resources via eAccess or Shibboleth. Please bring your TUM StudentCard [3] when picking up requested materials. Starting in 2025, activating your StudentCard for library use in TUMonline is no longer required. Login for TUM Students: TUM University Library Login for TUM E-Media LIV – Heilbronn Central Library To use the LIV library, you must register in person at the Heilbronn Central Library. Please bring the following documents: If you are enrolled at both TUM and LMU, you are automatically registered for library use, provided you have a TUM ID. If you only hold an LMU student card, please apply for an additional TUM StudentCard at the TUM Center for Study and Teaching [4]. This will give you a TUM ID, which allows you to log into the OPAC [5], order library items, check your library account, and access online resources via eAccess or Shibboleth. Please bring your TUM StudentCard [6] to pick up requested materials. Login for TUM Students As a TUM staff member, you are automatically registered for library use. You can log into the OPAC [5] with your TUM ID to order materials, check your library account, and access online resources via eAccess or Shibboleth. Please bring your TUM PersonalCard [7] to pick up requested materials. Starting in 2025, activating your PersonalCard for library use at one of the branch libraires is no longer required. Login for TUM Staff Members: If you have guest status at TUM and a TUMonline account, you are automatically registered for library use. You can log into the OPAC [2] with your TUM ID to order library, check your library account, and access online resources via eAccess or Shibboleth. Please bring your TUM GuestCard [8] when picking up requested materials. Starting in 2025, activating your GuestCard for library use at on of the branch libraries is no longer required. Login for TUM Guests:TUM Students
TUM ID + PasswordTUM Students at Campus Heilbronn
To use our services, including access to online resources, you only need your TUM ID. As a TUM member, you are automatically authorized to access our e-media via eAccess or Shibboleth.
TUM ID + Password
Students in Cooperative TUM LMU Degree Programs
TUM ID + PasswordTUM Staff Members
TUM ID + PasswordTUM Guests with TUMonline Account
TUM ID + Password