The German version of this document is the only legally binding version. This English translation is for your convenience only.
These rules of use apply to the carrels (individual study rooms) in the branch libraries of the University Library.
- The provision of the carrels is a voluntary service offered by the University Library. Their use is free of charge. The user has no automatic right to provision of a carrel.
- Carrels can be used by TUM students and TUM staff.
- The right to use the carrel is not transferable.
- The use of carrels can be requested via online form [1] on the website of the University Library. Transponders (locking devices) for carrels will be issued at the circulation desks. The transponder will be booked to the borrower's library account. The transponder may not be given to a third party.
- The loan period is two weeks. Carrels may only be used during the opening hours of the branch library. The reservation/loan period may be unilaterally adjusted by TUM for good cause (e.g. urgent building measures) or in the event of non-compliance with the usage regulations. The borrower will be duly informed of this.
- The transponders for carrels must be deposited at the circulation desk each day at the latest by the closing time of the respective branch library. If the borrower repeatedly fails to deposit the transponder as stipulated in the previous sentence even after being reminded to do so, TUM may block the borrower's library account and the carrel will be cleared. A flat fee for administrative expenses will be charged for clearing the carrel and the return of any items found. If the transponder has not been returned within five working days of being cleared, the borrower will be charged for the replacement transponder. The costs are based on the cost index [2] of the University Library.
- Carrels should be used regularly. If a carrel is not used for 3 consecutive working days, the loan agreement and the associated right of use ends automatically. As a result, the carrel will be opened and cleared by library staff on the morning of the following workday. The costs for the necessary measures are based on the cost index [2] of the University Library.
- Items cleared will be treated as lost property and temporarily stored in accordance with the German Civil Code (§§ 978 ff.). Food will be disposed of immediately without right to reimbursement. Media borrowed from the holdings of the University Library's will be revoked. Any media found belonging to other libraries will be returned to them.
- Carrels must be treated with care and protected from damage and soiling. Before taking custody of the carrel, the user must check that it is in good condition. Furnishings may not be removed from the carrels.
- Perishable food and hazardous substances or articles must not be stored in carrels.
- Media from the University Library holdings not registered to a library account must be returned on the same day and may not be kept in the carrel.
- In the event of a malfunction of the locking mechanism, the library staff must be notified. Unauthorized intervention is prohibited. Costs for damage caused by improper operation are to be reimbursed by the person who caused the damage.
- On the last day of the loan at the latest, the carrel must be vacated and this must be reported at the circulation desk of the respective branch library. The transponder must be returned by the borrower at the circulation desk. The transponder will then be unbooked from the borrower's library account.
- If the loan period is exceeded, the carrel will be opened and cleared by the library staff on the following working day, in accordance with points 6 and 8 of these regulations.
- Items found in open carrels or returned from open carrels to the library administration will be dealt with according to point 8 of these regulations.
- The loss of a transponder must be reported immediately to the University Library using the loss report form. The form is available at the circulation desk.
- In the event of suspected misuse of carrels or in emergencies, the University Library is entitled to open, check and, if necessary, clear the carrels even in the absence of the user.
- The University Library recommends that no valuables be stored in carrels. The University Library is not liable for loss or damage to personal items.
- University Library house rules [3] apply in the carrels.