For many students, our branch libraries are a popular place to study and meet on campus. We offer a total of 1,900 study spaces, including group study rooms for collaborative work, and individual study booths, known as carrels, for those who prefer to study undisturbed. TUM members can reserve study spaces and rooms online through our booking system.
Study Desks Group Study Rooms Carrels Occupancy Indicator
How to Bib – Study Together in the Reading Room
Do you wish to have a calm and collegial working atmosphere in the library? please respect a
few “rules of the game”:
Books not Burgers
Consumption of food is only allowed outside the library. Please use the nearby cafeterias
and canteens. Beverages in resealable containers are permitted in the library.
⮞ Help us to keep the library a clean place to study.
Clarity not Confusion
Please do not move chairs and tables around. Every library user deserves a complete study desk.
⮞ Help us to keep the library an orderly place of learning.
Consideration not Clamour
The library is a place for focused learning. Talking on the phone, conference calls, and chatting with our library visitors disturb this. Please hold conversations in the group study rooms.
⮞ Help maintain the library as a quiet learning space.
Be fair, don‘t block
Use it or lose it. Reserving for others and breaks longer than 60 minutes are not allowed.
If you briefly leave your study desk, please use the clock disc.
⮞ Help maintain the library as a fair learning space.
Together we‘re better
Studying is more effective in an atmosphere of respectful cooperation and adherence to rules.
⮞ Help to keep the library a happy and harmonious study space.
Further Informationen
Hous Rules of the University Library
Facilities: Computer & Internet, Lockers, Book Scanners