Before ordering a copy of documents or borrowing books, you will need to do some research in the subito catalogues.
Searching for Journals
Searches for documents published in journals and the actual ordering of the respective copies are both conducted using the subito serial catalogue. The serial catalogue comprises
- approx. 1 million printed journals from all subject areas and in all languages
- approx. 3.5 million stock references from supplier libraries.
At present, it is not possible to search for individual articles or by the author of individual articles using the subito system. Since ordering from subito is always done via the journal reference, the following information must be available:
- journal title or distinctive parts of the title and/or the ISSN number
Searching for Books
Searches for books are carried out in the subito book catalogues. Should you only require certain pages from a book, it is possible to order these as partial copies.
You should know the following bibliographical data of the book:
- book title or distinctive parts of the title
- author, editor or publisher, where applicable
- ISBN, where applicable
- year of publication and/or the edition, where applicable
- publishing house, where applicable
- relevant volume if the work comprises several volumes
For further information on searching and ordering please visit the subito website: