The 1st Research Alumni Conference, “Living and Mobility in Smart Cities”, took place at the end of August 2017 in Singapore. It was organized by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) together with its wholly-owned subsidiary, the German Institute for Science and Technology (GIST)-TUM Asia Pte. Ltd, and was funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The Conference took place at TUMCREATE, the research institute of TUM Asia. In this interdisciplinary center, new concepts for the mobility of tomorrow are developed using Singapore as an example. Singapore has made it its aim to be a Smart Nation pioneer for the whole of Asia. The conference participants were research alumni (former guest researchers) of TUM who live and work in Asia, scientists from TUM and TUMCREATE as well as experts from Singapore. Thanks to their diverse cultural, professional and research backgrounds, they were able to inspire each other, and exchange and discuss ideas across disciplines. The conference covered three main topics in three sessions: Mobile Applications and Technology as Innovative Solutions, Innovations for a Seamless Public Transport Experience, and Smart Living. Each session was opened by an expert in the appropriate field, with participating research alumni then giving presentations. The presentations are published in these conference proceedings.