We’re back – with our loan services and a new online catalog. Starting 21 January at 8:00 AM, you can once again order, reserve, and borrow literature.
The migration of our library system to the open source software FOLIO represents a significant adjustment primarily for our staff at the circulation desks and in the acquisitions and cataloging teams – with new workflows, new interfaces, and new functionalities. However, there are also some changes for you that will make using the library more convenient.
What’s new?
- Modern online catalog with a updated layout and new features
- New login process and more convenient registration for library use
- Improved lending conditions and greater sustainability
Link to the new OPAC
Library account with new Login
Please note the changes relevant to your user group:
Active TUM Members
For everyone studying, working, or holding guest status at TUM, using the library just got easier: You will automatically receive a library account, which you can access directly using your TUM ID. For borrowing, simply present your StudentCard, PersonalCard, or GuestCard.
There’s no longer a need to apply for a library card, activate your StudentCard for library use, or manage additional library IDs.
We’ve migrated existing library accounts. You’ll find your previous orders and loans in your new account in the OPAC.
New Login for Active TUM Members:
TUM ID + Password
TUM Alumni
Even after leaving TUM, you can continue to use the library. You simply need to update your library account at one of our branch libraries. You’ll receive a library card and a library number.
We’ve migrated existing library accounts. You can still log in using your library number (the 11-digit number on the back of your library card). However, your old password will no longer work. You’ll need to create a new one using the “Forgot Password” function in the OPAC.
New Login for TUM Alumni:
Library Number + New Password
External Library Users
For you, little has changed: We’ve migrated existing library accounts. You can still log in using your library number (the 11-digit number on the back of your library card). However, your old password will no longer work. You’ll need to create a new one using the “Forgot Password” function in the OPAC.
If you don’t have a library account yet, you can apply for a library card at one of our branch libraries.
New Login for External Users:
Library Number + New Password
OPAC with new layout and new features
Our new online catalog not only has a fresh look but also offers you more functionality and content:
- The new OPAC includes over 500 million media items from TUM and – for the first time – from other academic libraries.
- Media availability in our branch libraries is now visible directly in the search results list.
- Media not available locally can be ordered directly in the OPAC through Interlibrary Loan, eliminating the need to use the Bavarian Union Catalog (Gateway Bayern). Copy requests will be available again starting 21 January, while book interlibrary loans are expected to resume in March 2025.
- Articles from journals, newspapers, and conference proceedings are now found in the "Papers" tab, which replaces the OPACplus features.
- Enhanced filtering options let you refine your results e.g. by online availability, media format, subject area, language, or location.
- Ordering library items and scan requests has been streamlined. You can select your preferred pickup location at the end of the ordering process.
- Online resources available through TUM are marked with "Read Online" buttons. Active TUM members can conveniently access full texts after authenticating via eAccess.
Short Training Sessions
To familiarize you with the new interface, we will offer 15-minute introductory sessions in German and English multiple times daily from 21–30 January 2025. View all scheduled sessions
Adjustment of Borrowing Rules
We used the system migration as an opportunity to streamline our borrowing rules:
- Loan periods are now uniformly four weeks, including for journal volumes.
- All library items available for loan (except journals) now allow up to five automatic renewals, provided there are no reservations by others or blocks on your account.
- Limits on loans, orders, and reservations have been adjusted.
- To promote sustainability, we are reducing paper printouts: Borrowing and return receipts will now be sent to you electronically via email.
If you have any questions about the new OPAC, your library account, or your new login, we’re happy to assist you: First Level Hotline