Update: As of 3 April 2022, the 3G rule will cease to apply.
In accordance with the current Bavarian Infection Protection Measures Ordinance (BayIfSMV), the 3G rule (vaccinated - recovered - tested) applies at Bavarian universities and libraries
Access to our branch libraries is therefore only granted to library users who can prove that they have been vaccinated, recovered or tested. Please carry such proof with you when visiting TUM.
Hygiene rules at a glance
- 2G rule (vaccinated - recovered)
- FFP2 masks mandatory; you can remove the mask while seated at the study desk
- 1.5 metres minimum distance from other persons
- No entry in case of confirmed infections or symptoms of respiratory diseases
- Details are regulated in our Terms of Use during the Corona Pandemic
Who is considered vaccinated, recovered or tested under the 3G rule?
Persons fully vaccinated are asymptomatic persons who are in possession of a vaccination certificate issued to them in the sense of § 2 number 3 of the COVID-19 Protective Measures Exemption Directive (SchAusnahmV – BAnz AT 8. Mai 2021 V1, German). An overview of all approved vaccines or vaccine combinations can be found on the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute's website. Please note that only vaccines approved in Germany are valid.
Persons recovered from COVID-19 are asymptomatic persons who are in possession of a currently valid certificate of recovery issued to them in the sense of § 2 number 5 SchAusnahmV (German).
To qualify as tested, persons have to provide a written or electronic negative test proof based on
- a PCR test, PoC-PCR test, or a test by other methods of nucleic acid amplification technique performed 48 hours or less ago,
- or a PoC antigen test ("rapid test") performed 24 hours or less ago.
An antigen test for self-administration (“self-testing”) is not sufficient.
Further information
University Library: overview of currently available services
TUM: current information
Ministry of Health: current information
Report from the Cabinet meeting of 15 February 2022