From 7 June 2021, our Branch Libraries Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine and Physics will open their doors again after a longer pandemic break. In addition to the Branch Libraries Main Campus, Mathematics & Informatics, Straubing and Weihenstephan, which have been accessible again since January, all branch libraries will then be open again to the public. The only exception is the Branch Library Sports and Health Sciences, which remains closed in preparation of its relocation to the new building on the TUM Campus at the Olympic Park.
Opening Hours & Loan Services
Our libraries are open Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the Branch Libraries Main Campus, Mathematics & Informatics, Straubing and Weihenstephan are also open on weekends and public holidays.
During opening hours, you can return books and pick up literature ordered in advance via OPAC without making an appointment. We will release ordering functions for literature to the Branch Libraries Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine and Physics on 4 June in the course of the day.
Study Desk Reservation
Study space is available for TUM members in all branch ibraries. Prior reservation is required. Please be sure to observe our binding reservation rules before making your booking, which include:
- online booking until 12:00 midnight the day before
- maximum 2 reservations per week
- cancellation of all reservations in the event of overbooking
- re-allocation of places not taken after 30 minutes
- no free choice of seats
- no group work
- all details:
Further information
Overview: Our library services during the Corona pandemic
Current information from TUM on the Corona situation