From Tuesday, 8 March 2022, we will adjust our services: We will then offer you more study desks, longer opening hours and direct access to literature in open stacks.
In its cabinet meeting(link is external) in mid-February, the Bavarian state government had decided to "gradually, with caution and a sense of proportion" go ahead with easing Corona measures in view of stable infection figures. This offers us the opportunity to return to our pre-Corona services to some extent.
More Learning Space
As of 8 March, we are providing TUM members with more than twice as many study desks as before. If you want to study in the library, please ask for a place at the circulation desk. Please note, free choice of place and reservation are not possible. Fixed reservation times no longer apply.
How many places we can currently offer depends on numerous specifications. We weigh up the current Corona situation very carefully and take into account factors such as:
- the spatial situation on site
- the capacity of the ventilation systems
- the supply of fresh air via windows and
- the legal requirements, such as distance regulations and the obligation to wear masks.
In this regard, we have decided to continue to maintain the 1.5-metre rule at present, thus sparing you the need to wear masks at the study desk.
Direct Access to Shelves
Pre-ordering of literature from open stacks via OPAC is no longer possible or necessary as of 8 March. Access to the shelves is again permitted for all user groups. Please come to the circulation desk to gain shelve access. However, ordering literature from one branch library to another is still possible.
Longer Opening Hours
After our branch libraries in Garching, Straubing and in the Olympiapark, we will also extend the opening hours of the Branch Library Medicine. From 8 March, the library at Nigerstraße will open at 8:00 in the morning.
We are still planning opening hours until midnight in the branch libraries Main Campus, Mathematics & Informatics and Weihenstephan, as well as longer evening opening hours in the Branch Library Medicine. This means that we will not only return to our opening hours before the Corona pandemic, but also extend the opening hours overall.
All opening hours at a glance
Scanners, OPAC PCs & Other Equipment
All library visitors will have access to our scanners and OPAC PCs again as of 8 March. However, lockers are not yet available. It will also not be possible to reserve carrels or group study rooms.