Choose your check-out library
If you order books from other branch libraries or our closed-access collections, you can pick them up at the branch library of your choice. You select the check-out library before the search by
- clicking on the preferred branch library when starting the OPAC
- or by chancing the check-out library on the OPAC search interface.
We will then make the requested items ready for collection at the circulation desk of the branch library you have chosen.
Changing check-out library
A subsequent change of the check-out library is not possible. As soon as you have ordered an item, our electronic lending system triggers the delivery process.
If the item was accidentally ordered to the wrong branch library, we can cancel the order for you. Please inform us personally, by phone, e-mail or chat about your library number and the title for which we should stop the order process. After this you have to order the item again. It can take up to one week until the item is available for you again
Delivery time
The delivery time takes in general between 1 and 3 days. Items will be held 10 days for checking-out. Due to the longer distances involved, orders from and to the Branch Library Straubing will take up to 5 days for delivery.
Postponing the pick-up deadline
The period of 10 days for picking-up items can not be extended. If you do not pick up a hold within the pick-up period, your book order will be cancelled and the item returned to the library collection. Subsequently you can order the items again via OPAC. Please keep in mind: If the item has been reserved by a third person, it will first be available for this library user.