For each borrowed item there is a specific loan periods. At the circulation desk you will receive a receipt stating the due date for each item.
Loan Periods |
Renewals |
Loan Collection |
4 weeks |
up to 2 times for 4 weeks at a time |
Textbook Collection |
4 weeks |
up to 5 times for 4 weeks at a time |
Non-Loan Collection |
short term loan |
no renewals |
Open-Access Journals |
not available for loan |
no renewals |
Closed-Access Journals |
2 weeks |
no renewals |
Short term loan (two hours before library closing until two hours after the opening on the next day) applies to parts of the non-loan and restricted loan collections.
Please consult your library account frequently via the Online Catalogue OPAC for current due dates.