Search Tools at TUM
Our online catalog provides access to more than 500 million library items from TUM as well as other academic libraries. It includes books, e-books, e-journals, journals, newspapers, and articles. You can order media for borrowing, place reservations, access online resources, order scans, and order via interlibrary loan. Start OPAC
Other Catalogs and Search Engines
Gateway Bayern
The union catalog of the Bavarian Library Network lists all items from participating libraries, including all Bavarian university libraries, university of applied sciences libraries, regional state libraries, and the Bavarian State Library. Additionally, the libraries of the Cooperative Library Network Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV) contribute their media data to the Gateway Bayern portal. Start Gateway Bayern
Note on interlibrary loan: With the migration to our new library system FOLIO, Gateway Bayern is no longer used as an ordering platform for interlibrary loans at TUM. Please use the TUM OPAC instead.
Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK)
The meta-search engine, developed and operated by the KIT Library, allows parallel searches across more than 80 bibliographic databases. The integrated data sources include a large number of catalogs from research libraries and consortia in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, as well as national library catalogs in other countries, book trade directories, and cross-institutional databases such as BASE, DART-Europe, DOAJ, and Europeana. Start KVK
Journal Database (ZDB)
The ZDB, the German union catalog of serials, is the central bibliographic database for ongoing collections such as journals, e-journals, magazines, and newspapers. It contains records from nearly all German and Austrian academic libraries. The journal database is managed by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB) in cooperation with the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB), the German National Library. Start ZDB
WorldCat is a union catalog that records the holdings of tens of thousands of institutions, mainly libraries, in many countries that are or have been members of the OCLC cooperative. Start WorldCat
Google Scholar
Google's web search engine offers a general search for academic literature, including both freely accessible documents and paid content. Google Scholar is the largest academic search engine worldwide but still covers only a small portion of scientific publications in the deep web. It does not provide a qualitative selection, meaning that documents not meeting scientific standards may also be listed. Start Google Scholar
Tip: In Scholar Preferences, you can integrate under "Library Links" our TUM SFX link service into Google Scholar.