The university library includes nine branch libraries across its sites in Munich, Garching, Weihenstephan and Straubing. The University Library and its branch libraries are centrally managed by the University Librarian.
As a one-tier library system, the TUM University Library has a centralised administration of human and material resources. The acquisition, indexing, development and delivery of resources happen in accordance with uniform principles.
The business processes of the University Library and its associated branch libraries are coordinated by five central departments: Public Services, Information Services, Research Data Services, Acquisition & Cataloguing, Library Technology. In particular, they are responsible for the fulfillment of the following key tasks:
- Acquisition of literature and information for all subject areas
- Development and maintenance of the loan collection
- Development and maintenance of the textbook collection
- Participation in consortia
- Operation of branch libraries
- Operation of the central library IT
- Book and periodical binding
- Conservation and collection maintenance