Since 2 January 2017, we continue to offer our service for digital course reaserves. Lectures at the TUM can have journal articles and small parts of books scanned by the university library and uploaded on Moodle for their students.
This is possible on the background of an agreement between the German Conference of Education Ministers ("Kultusministerkonferenz"), the German Rectors' Conference ("Hochschulrektorenkonferenz") and the collecting society VG WORT. It allows to continue flat-rate reimbursement for works which are made available according to § 52a of the German Copyright Law (UrhG) until 30 September 2017.
The agreement applies not only to scans from library items but also for other texts which lectures provide for their students on Moodle in the framework of § 52a UrhG.
For detailed information on how to set up a digitial course reserve please visit the library's webpage under