LIN 156: Constructed Language; International Auxiliary Language
└LIN 156: Constructed Language; International Auxiliary Language |
Constructed Language International Auxiliary Language Esperanto |
LIN 157: Specific Constructed Languages
└LIN 157: Specific Constructed Languages |
LIN 159: Other
LIN 179: Other
LIN 180: Historic and Comparative Philology (Linguistic Development, Comparative Analysis, Linguistic Typology, Language Distribution, Linguistic Influence)
└LIN 180: Historic and Comparative Philology (Linguistic Development, Comparative Analysis, Linguistic Typology, Language Distribution, Linguistic Influence) |
Historic Philology Comparative Philology Philology, Historic Philology, Comparative Linguistic Development Comparative Analysis, Philology Linguistic Typology Language Distribution Linguistic Influence |
LIN 185: Indo-Germanic Language Family
└LIN 180: Historic and Comparative Philology (Linguistic Development, Comparative Analysis, Linguistic Typology, Language Distribution, Linguistic Influence)
└LIN 185: Indo-Germanic Language Family |
Indo-Germanic Language Family, History Language Family, Indo-Germanic, History |
LIN 186: Germanic Languages in General
└LIN 180: Historic and Comparative Philology (Linguistic Development, Comparative Analysis, Linguistic Typology, Language Distribution, Linguistic Influence)
└LIN 185: Indo-Germanic Language Family
└LIN 186: Germanic Languages in General |
Germanic Languages, History Languages, Germanic, History |
LIN 188: Romanic Languages in General
└LIN 180: Historic and Comparative Philology (Linguistic Development, Comparative Analysis, Linguistic Typology, Language Distribution, Linguistic Influence)
└LIN 185: Indo-Germanic Language Family
└LIN 188: Romanic Languages in General |
Romanic Languages, History Languages, Romanic, History |
LIN 190: Slavic Languages in General
└LIN 180: Historic and Comparative Philology (Linguistic Development, Comparative Analysis, Linguistic Typology, Language Distribution, Linguistic Influence)
└LIN 185: Indo-Germanic Language Family
└LIN 190: Slavic Languages in General |
Slavic Languages, History Languages, Slavik, History |
LIN 194: Other Indo-Germanic Languages
└LIN 180: Historic and Comparative Philology (Linguistic Development, Comparative Analysis, Linguistic Typology, Language Distribution, Linguistic Influence)
└LIN 185: Indo-Germanic Language Family
└LIN 194: Other Indo-Germanic Languages |
LIN 199: Non-Indo-Germanic Languages
└LIN 180: Historic and Comparative Philology (Linguistic Development, Comparative Analysis, Linguistic Typology, Language Distribution, Linguistic Influence)
└LIN 199: Non-Indo-Germanic Languages |
Languages, Non-Indo-Germanic |
LIN 200: Linguistics of Individual Languages / Literary Studies of Individual Languages
└LIN 200: Linguistics of Individual Languages / Literary Studies of Individual Languages |
Linguistics of Individual Languages Linguistics, Individual Languages |
LIN 210: European Languages
European Languages Languages, European |
LIN 220: German
German Language Language, German |
LIN 250: Dialects
Dialects |
LIN 300: English
English Language Language, English |
LIN 348: Other Germanic Languages (First Letter of Language Abbreviation According to Sal Instead of the Library Code; e.g. Danish; (N) Dutch; Norwegian; Swedish)
└LIN 348: Other Germanic Languages (First Letter of Language Abbreviation According to Sal Instead of the Library Code; e.g. Danish; (N) Dutch; Norwegian; Swedish) |
Sprachen, Germanische |
LIN 360: Latin
Latin Language Language, Latin |
LIN 400: French
French Language Language, French |
LIN 440: Spanish
Spanish Language Language, Spanish |
LIN 490: Italian
Italian Language Language, Italian |
LIN 548: Other Romance Languages (First Letter of Language Abbreviation According to Sal Instead of Library Code; e.g. Portuguese; Rhaeto-Romanic; Romanian)
└LIN 548: Other Romance Languages (First Letter of Language Abbreviation According to Sal Instead of Library Code; e.g. Portuguese; Rhaeto-Romanic; Romanian) |
Romance Languages Languages, Romance |
LIN 550: Greek
Greek Language Language, Greek |
LIN 620: Russian
Russian Language Language, Russian |
LIN 698: Other Slavic Languages (First Letter of Language Abbreviation According to Sal Instead of Library Code; e.g. Bulgarian; Polish; Serbo-Croatian; Slovak; Czech)
└LIN 698: Other Slavic Languages (First Letter of Language Abbreviation According to Sal Instead of Library Code; e.g. Bulgarian; Polish; Serbo-Croatian; Slovak; Czech) |
Slavic Languages Languages, Slavik |
LIN 798: Other European Languages (First Letter of Language Abbreviation According to Sal Instead of Library Code; e.g. Albanian, Finnish, Hungarian)
└LIN 798: Other European Languages (First Letter of Language Abbreviation According to Sal Instead of Library Code; e.g. Albanian, Finnish, Hungarian) |
LIN 898: Non-European Languages (First Letter of Language Abbreviation According to Sal Instead of Library Code; e.g. Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Persian, Turkish)
└LIN 898: Non-European Languages (First Letter of Language Abbreviation According to Sal Instead of Library Code; e.g. Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Persian, Turkish) |
Languages, Non-European |
LIT: Literary Studies
Literary Studies |
LIT 005: Literary Studies in General (incl. Connections to Other Sciences)
└LIT 005: Literary Studies in General (incl. Connections to Other Sciences) |
Literary Studies, Relations to Other Sciences |
LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences |
General Literary Sciences Comparative Literary Sciences Literary Sciences, Comperative Literary Sciences, General |
LIT 020: Literature Reviews Going Beyond Individual Literature (History of Literature, Literary Studies, Sociology of Literature; Multilingual National Literature)
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 020: Literature Reviews Going Beyond Individual Literature (History of Literature, Literary Studies, Sociology of Literature; Multilingual National Literature) |
History of Literature Literary Studies Sociology of Literature |
LIT 022: European Language Literature
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 020: Literature Reviews Going Beyond Individual Literature (History of Literature, Literary Studies, Sociology of Literature; Multilingual National Literature)
└LIT 022: European Language Literature |
LIT 024: Multilingual National Literature of Europe (e.g. Switzerland)
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 020: Literature Reviews Going Beyond Individual Literature (History of Literature, Literary Studies, Sociology of Literature; Multilingual National Literature)
└LIT 022: European Language Literature
└LIT 024: Multilingual National Literature of Europe (e.g. Switzerland) |
LIT 029: Other
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 020: Literature Reviews Going Beyond Individual Literature (History of Literature, Literary Studies, Sociology of Literature; Multilingual National Literature)
LIT 030: Theory of Literary Studies, History of Literature (incl. Sociology of Literature) and Literary Criticism
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 030: Theory of Literary Studies, History of Literature (incl. Sociology of Literature) and Literary Criticism |
Literary Sciences, Theory of Literary Studies Literary Sciences, History of Literature Sociology of Literature Literary Criticism |
LIT 040: Auxiliary Sciences
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
Auxiliary Sciences, Literature |
LIT 042: History of Text and Tradition
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 042: History of Text and Tradition |
History of Text History of Tradition |
LIT 044: Textual Criticism
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
Textual Criticism |
LIT 050: Modes and Forms of Presentation (Verse, Literary Rhetoric, Rhetorical Device et al.)
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 050: Modes and Forms of Presentation (Verse, Literary Rhetoric, Rhetorical Device et al.) |
Verse Literary Rhetoric Rhetoric, Literary Rhetorical Device, Literary Literary, Rhetoical Devices |
LIT 060: Subjects of Presentation (Matter, Motifs, Topoi, Issues, Problems, et al.)
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 060: Subjects of Presentation (Matter, Motifs, Topoi, Issues, Problems, et al.) |
Motifs, Literature Literature, Motifs |
LIT 070: Rhetorical Devices (Grotesque, Irony, Tragedy, Humor, Mannerism, et al.)
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 070: Rhetorical Devices (Grotesque, Irony, Tragedy, Humor, Mannerism, et al.) |
Rhetorical Devices, Literature Literature, Rhetorical Devices |
LIT 080: Styles
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
Styles, Literature Literature, Styles |
LIT 100: Literary Genres
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
Literary Genres |
LIT 110: Poetry
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
Poetry |
LIT 113: Individual Genres
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
LIT 120: Drama
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
Drama |
LIT 123: Individual Genres
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
LIT 135: Drama in Mass-Media (Radio Play, Television Film, Film Drama, et al.)
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 135: Drama in Mass-Media (Radio Play, Television Film, Film Drama, et al.) |
Radio Play Television Film Film Drama |
LIT 144: Other Forms of Drama (e.g. Sketch, Cabaret, Revue, et al.)
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
└LIT 144: Other Forms of Drama (e.g. Sketch, Cabaret, Revue, et al.) |
Sketch Cabaret Revue |
LIT 145: Epic Poetry
└LIT 010: General Literary Sciences; Comparative Literary Sciences
Epic Poetry |